Corporate financial and sustainability reporting datasets. Reliable, tagged and machine-readable.

Machine-readable ESG data

Access ESG reports that are ready to use with AI tools like large language models (LLMs). Enable advanced analytics with traceability.

Data collected & organised

Avoid the burden of collecting scattered documents. Instantly leverage our curated database & remove duplication, fragmentation & complexity.

Traceability & reliability

Maintain confidence and integrity in your AI-generated results by always linking back to the original, verified data source.

Solutions we offer

AI-ready ESG data

Prepare and structure machine-readable data for planned and future AI and machine learning applications, and advanced analytics. Cost effective, designed for AI use and customisable. Extensive coverage of UK and EU companies with bespoke collection on demand.

Insig AI-ready ESG dataset - Insig AI
ESG Research Application - Insig AI

ESG Research Application

Insig’s award-winning application provides the ability to search, filter, analyse and benchmark company disclosures in the dataset. Don’t build your own AI from scratch. Leverage our platform to get instant, traceable insights on the central source of truth for ESG reports.